
Showing posts from September, 2020

Popup Menu Programatically | Android Studio | Kotlin

How to create a Popup Menu programmatically? The Popup Menu in Android displays the menu below the anchor text if space is available otherwise displays above the anchor text. The Popup Menu disappears if you click outside the Popup Menu . The Popup Menu displays different options/choices list so you can select any of them to perform different tasks. >>Check For Java Video: Step 1:  Create a new project  OR  Open your existing project Step 2: Code activity_main.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android= "" xmlns:app= "" xmlns:tools= "" android:layout_width= "match_parent" android:layout_height= "match_parent" android:orientation= "vertical" android:gravity= "center" tools:context= ".MainActivity

Popup Menu Programatically | Android Studio | Java

How to create a Popup Menu programmatically? The Popup Menu in Android displays the menu below the anchor text if space is available otherwise displays above the anchor text. The Popup Menu disappears if you click outside the Popup Menu . The Popup Menu displays different options/choices list so you can select any of them to perform different tasks. >>Check For Kotlin Video: Step 1: Create a new project   OR   Open your project Step 2: Code activity_main.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android= "" xmlns:app= "" xmlns:tools= "" android:layout_width= "match_parent" android:layout_height= "match_parent" android:orientation= "vertical" android:gravity= "center" tools:context= ".MainActivity" &g

Popup Menu using menu.xml | Android Studio | Kotlin

How to create a Popup Menu using the menu.xml? The Popup Menu in Android displays the menu below the anchor text if space is available otherwise displays above the anchor text. The Popup Menu disappears if you click outside the Popup Menu . The Popup Menu displays different options/choices list so you can select any of them to perform different tasks. >>Check For Java Video: Step 1:  Create a new project  OR  Open your existing project Step 2: Code menu.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <menu xmlns:android= "" > <!--items to show in popup menu--> <item android:id= "@+id/menu_copy" android:title= "Copy" /> <item android:id= "@+id/menu_share" android:title= "Share" /> <item android:id= "@+id/menu_save" android:title= "Save" /> <item a

Popup Menu using menu.xml | Android Studio | Java

How to create a Popup Menu using the menu.xml? The Popup Menu in Android displays the menu below the anchor text if space is available otherwise displays above the anchor text. The Popup Menu disappears if you click outside the Popup Menu . The Popup Menu displays different options/choices list so you can select any of them to perform different tasks. >>Check For Kotlin Video: Step 1: Create a new project   OR   Open your project Step 2: Code menu.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <menu xmlns:android= "" > <!--add menu items to show in popup menu--> <item android:id= "@+id/menu_copy" android:title= "Copy" /> <item android:id= "@+id/menu_share" android:title= "Share" /> <item android:id= "@+id/menu_save" android:title= "Save" /> &