
Showing posts from December, 2022

Permission Handling | Android Studio | Java

Single & Multiple Runtime Permissions As we know we need to request Runtime Permissions on Android 6.0 (API level 23 also known as Marshmallow) and above as well as to declare them in the AndroidManifest file.  If we need to use some features like Camera, Location, Contact, etc. we have to handle the runtime permissions. In this Tutorial, we will learn how to Request Single and Multiple Permissions. Note: I'll add some permissions for example purposes only you may apply the same on permissions you want. >>Check For Kotlin Video: Code: AndroidManifest.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android= "" xmlns:tools= "" > <!--For Single Permission Example--> <uses-permission android:name= "android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" /> <!--For Multiple Permission Example--> <u