Shapeable ImageView | Android Studio | Java
ShapeableImageView The ShapeableImageView is an ImageView that draws the bitmap with the provided Shape. For example, in your app, you may need an app with the shape of Circle, Rectangle, Rounded corners, Stroke/Border, etc. Using the ShapeableImageView you can easily draw images with any shape. >>Check For Kotlin Video Tutorial Code: styles.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <!--Adding styles to make different shapes for shapeable image view--> <style name= "ImageStyle_Circle" > <item name= "cornerSize" > 50% </item> <item name= "cornerFamily" > rounded </item> <!--possible values are rounded, cut--> </style> <style name= "ImageStyle_Corners_Rounded" > <item name= "cornerSize" > 20dp </item> <item name= "cornerFamily" > rounded <