
Showing posts from December, 2021

Send User Verification Email | Android Studio | Kotlin

Firebase Email Verification:  Since any user can create an account in your firebase app whether this email exists in real or not so your app may need to verify that the email actually exists. You can easily send an email address verification email to a user with the   sendEmailVerification   method.  >>Check For Java Video Tutorial: Let's start: How to verify? private fun sendEmailVerification () { //get instance of firebase auth val firebaseAuth = FirebaseAuth.getInstance() //get current user val firebaseUser = firebaseAuth.currentUser //send email verification firebaseUser!!.sendEmailVerification() .addOnSuccessListener { Toast.makeText( this @ProfileActivity, "Instructions Sent..." , Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() } .addOnFailureListener { e -> Toast.makeText( this @ProfileActivity, "Failed to send due to " + e.message, Toa

Send User Verification Email | Android Studio | Java

Firebase Email Verification:  Since any user can create an account in your firebase app whether this email exists in real or not so your app may need to verify that the email actually exists. You can easily send an email address verification email to a user with the sendEmailVerification method.  >>Check For Kotlin Video Tutorial: Let's start: How to verify? private void sendEmailVerification () { FirebaseAuth firebaseAuth = FirebaseAuth . getInstance (); FirebaseUser firebaseUser = firebaseAuth . getCurrentUser (); firebaseUser . sendEmailVerification () . addOnSuccessListener ( new OnSuccessListener < Void >() { @Override public void onSuccess ( Void unused ) { Toast . makeText ( ProfileActivity . this , "Instructions Sent..." , Toast . LENGTH_SHORT ). show (); } }) . addOnFailure