Android SQLite CRUD and ListView - Android Studio Tutorial
DESCRIPTION ✔Enter data(Text, Image) in SQLite ✔Read data(Text, Image) from SQLite in Custom ListView ✔Custom dialog to update record ✔Update data(Text, Image) by onLongClicking the row of ListView ✔Delete data(Text, Image) by onLongClicking the row of ListView ✔Select Image from gallery using Library, crop/rotate image. Link of image library used: VIDEO SOURCE CODE Step 1: Create a new project OR Open your project Step 2: Create New Activity File>New>Activity>EmptyActivity Step 3: Add following libraries in build.gradle(Module:app) implementation '' /*cardview library for our row.xml*/ implementation '' /*image choosing/cropping library*/ implementation 'com.theartofdev.edmodo:android-image-cropper:2.6.+' Step 4: Code AndroidManifest.xml <?xml